4:07 AM When you want to be with that someone and something is always blocking the way. You want to be able to spend more time with them, to get to know them more, but there seems to be always something that is holding them back, or you back. When we are frustrated with love it can leave us feeling like we don't have control. We feel that we aren't doing our part, or they aren't doing their part either. We want to be able to hold them, to be near to them, but they seem to be so far away. We want to be able to reach out to them, to let them know, but they aren't reciprocating, almost like unrequitted love. We want to have them but at the same time we can't have them, its frustrating to say the least. p/s: PERIOD!
1:12 AM ![]() mood: melayu habis! kisah: hati and perasaan (jantung dan jiwa) kisah hati, jantung dan jiwa saya. telah lama saya simpan di dalam kotak akal saya. bukan untuk perbesarkan cerita kepada dunia, cuma saya perlu alirkan sebelum capillary dan artery saya meletus. kisah hati ini bermula lama dulu, zaman purbakala. dimana jiwa dinoda jantung-jantung saya. saya tidak pasti sama ada jantung-jantung menggoda jiwa, atau jiwa yang memulakan nya. tidak kah mereka memikirkan hati saya? lagak mereka seperti tiada apa. hanya ungkapan maaf mereka salurkan ke gegendang telinga saya. pasrah.menangis.peluh. hancur hati.hempedu saya mendengarnya. memang.. memang dikala itu jiwa bukan bersama saya. memang ketika itu saya buang jauh jiwa. saya cuba, tapi apakan daya. tidak mampu untuk hidup berhati tanpa jiwa. dan tidak pernah tersangka dalam separuh purnama semua cerita bermula. paling berontakkan hati: jantung-jantung yang dipercayai, dipujapuji.... sanggup berbual sumbang...jiwa yang selama ini bersama hati...datang kembali seperti tiada apa berlaku dalam separuh purnama. lihat lah murah nya jiwa murahnya jantung-jantung. - hati terima semula, tanpa memikirkan luka.darah setiap hari, setiap jam, setiap saat.. hati cuba melupakan segalanya. cuba memadam kan memori dari medulla oblongata nya, dari segale saraf mindanya. namun, apakan daya.. jika kemaafan yg dipinta.. xperlu meminta... hati sedekah kan segala nyaa. tetapi untuk memadam kan semua cerita sampah jantung-jantung dan jiwa, memang tidak sama sekali..... p/s: I am good at it and I will always pretend like nothing happen. 11:46 PM ![]() No one person can ever experience all that life has to offer. Its only through sharing experiences, feelings, thoughts, insights-that we can hope to grown beyond our own meager lifetime. The Talmud teaches: Just before a baby is born, an angel shows it everything there is to know and learn on Earth. Then at the moment of birth, the angel touches the infant’s upper lip, and the child forgets everything. We spend the rest of our lives remembering what the angel showed us. This is a generic guide to the meaning of life It does not describe one view of the meaning of life and recommend you adopt it. It helps you remember what the angel showed you. The angel showed you the meaning of life. Meaning of life: Human life just a dream, from which we never really awake, as some great thinkers claim? Are we submerged by our feelings, by our loves and hates, by our ideas of good, bad, beautiful, awful? Are we incapable of knowing beyond those ideas and feelings? We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep… William Shakespeare, The Tempest 9:36 AM saya xtau nk smbung study kt mana!!!
![]() I’m coherent, but hard to understand. Stable, and yet off the wall. I laugh. I cry. I smile. I scream. I feel pain. I feel joy. I am unique, but not that different. I have a good head on my shoulders, but you may not understand my logic. I ask questions for curiosity and try not to fear the answers. I keep learning, trying new things, living life instead of just surviving. I love and am loved. January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 September 2009 October 2009 January 2010 February 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 March 2012 ShoutMix chat widget |