8:15 PM bismillah. hye kwn2. semuanya. lihat lah dunia. pertama sekali aku ingin memohon maaf kerana lama tidak bersidang disini. :) okayh. 19may2011 menjadi sngt2 manis apabila aku dengan terkejut nya mendapat surprise party daripada kwn2 tersayang saya. leeeuufchu ol!! :) (walopun ada sedikit kantoi yek) perasaan: touched! terharu, nak nanges pun ade. malooo!!!. :p kawan2: kiddo, EJ, fitry, Baby, Yaya, Apiz, zul, Eifa lily alosa, ema & Y. kek: secret recipy banaana choc (kiddo ally tenkiu so much!!!!) adiaahh: teddy bear besar yg comel!!! venue: uptown shah alam section 24. p/s: gamba later.
![]() I’m coherent, but hard to understand. Stable, and yet off the wall. I laugh. I cry. I smile. I scream. I feel pain. I feel joy. I am unique, but not that different. I have a good head on my shoulders, but you may not understand my logic. I ask questions for curiosity and try not to fear the answers. I keep learning, trying new things, living life instead of just surviving. I love and am loved. January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 September 2009 October 2009 January 2010 February 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 March 2012 ShoutMix chat widget |